Joy and Fun


Summers Here! Well Almost

It’s taken a while for us to arrive into summer, a cold wet spring lasted until a few weeks ago when we were confronted with full bodied summer sunshine. Some of us immediately burst into life, socialising, open, relaxed and relishing the sun’s warmth and bright light. In stark contrast others may have felt overwhelmed by the immediacy of sudden climatic change, the sharp inset of summer overloading the senses, drawing one up and out of semi hibernation.

Flora and fauna too, suddenly spurt with growth, revealing themselves fully and quickly. Trees now brim with a lush green canopy, a medley of coloured petals adorn all late bloomers, our world is teaming with animal life, most noted in our parks and gardens. The longer days and the suns strong force has drawn nature to its zenith.

Lighter, Brighter and Full of Energy

As we attune to summer’s energy, we feel lighter, less hungry, abundance in motivation, verbose and joyful. All of nature flourishes in summer, including us. Our petals are vibrant, full and open, joyfully dancing in a cool breeze. We are teaming with life, buzzing around friends, chirping with family, widening our wings for adventure.

Summer is the time of maximum Yang, we have climbed to the highest point of energy in our year. We feel this physically on the surface of our bodies, we are open, loose and uplifted. Summer’s energy is all heart, we’re engaged in expressing ourselves as we relate with others, basking in their warmth and love. The heart energy refuels as it delights in great pleasure.

Love and the Heart

You can’t have one without the other. If we are lucky, we experience heartfelt loving relationships as a child from our immediate care givers and recreate loving and intimate relationships with our friends, family and significant other. Being in love is highly focused on in our society, however it is often forgotten that our hearts will sing for joy when delighted with adventure, passion and fun, whether we are in or out of love with another.

Heartfelt Enthusiasm for Pleasure and Passion

Opening our sleepy hearts to what we most love in this life is incredibly important and summer energy allows for the spirit of the heart to open and shine. Igniting our passions, creating adventure, making time for joy allows our summer energy to be present all year round, even in the depths of winter.

What Makes Your Heart Sing?

To listen to what our heart has to say, we may need to take a moment of stillness and quietly commune with our hearts energy. What does it love? What feels good? What makes it smile? What gives it warmth?

For some, listening to the frequency of the heart is unnerving. We fear judgment, making a mistake, dissapointment and unable to trust what it has to say. We can find ourselves listening externally to others, waiting to find what we should be passionate about and love but never feel it for ourself.

Each heart is attuned to its unqiue vibration, the heart loves what the heart loves, and what another loves doesn’t always resonate for us.

Summer, The Heart, Joy and Fun

Write a happy wish list, be spontaneous, just say yes when you would normally say no, play, find out what makes you laugh and find out what makes you feel warm, open, light and energised. Summer is the time to attune our hearts. Listen to what it most desires, dial up the amusement and take pleasure in adventurous escapades.

What is you life passion? What do you live for? What makes you excited to wake up in the morning? These are good questions to ask ourselves at this time of year. Answers may come more easily in the summer.

Perhaps there is a heartfelt enthusiasm for something that’s been put to one side, perhaps there is fear about living out our hearts desire or excitement and commitment. Go forth, adorn your coloured petals and dance for joy in the cool breeze of your passion. Once we resonate with our unique enthusiasms, we naturally connect with our summery heart energy and delight in the sheer joy that radiates from within.


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