Mind Body Spirit
Five Element Acupuncture treats the root cause of disease, by treating you the person.
It’s common to come in with a variety of complaints from the mind and body such as anxiety, headaches, shoulder pain, menopausal symptoms or low mood. When mind and body are suffering so does our spirit, we see this as a general lacking of joy, restlessness and a feeling of discontent.
I bring a unique and individual healing experience with Five Element Acupuncture. Diagnostically using the five element framework and face reading techniques if needed. It’s common for me to add elements of coaching, breathwork and movement into each appointment where necessary to support your healing.
Ailments and Conditions
Five Element Acupuncture is extremely effective for imbalances in mental health.
Hot flushes, low mood, insomnia, anxiety, night sweats, irritability and fatigue are just some of the mind body imbalance that arrive years before and during the menopause. Five Element Acupuncture treats the root cause and supports your mind, body and spirit.
Acupuncture can also be supportive of Women's Health conditions such as painful periods, PMS, irregular periods, no periods or continuous bleeding.
Helping your natural monthly cycles to flow without pain and discomfort is key for good health.
Intermittent or constant, migraines and headaches can be debilitating and show signs of deficiency and blocked energy. Five Element Acupuncture treats the root cause of headaches and migraines
Whether you are suffering from unprocessed grief, resentment, irritability or shame and guilt.
Emotional blockages form when resisting what is, becomes a regular way of coping with uncomfortable life circumstances.
Continued denial avoidance or dismissal of your reality will accumulate blockage within your body and spirit.
Five Element Acupuncture, clears blocked energy in mind body and spirit, allowing for you to clear and allow the flow of emotions
Having a smooth running digestive system supports our mind body health. Acupuncture can help relieve ailments such as bloating, nausea, IBS, constipation and acid reflux
I can help relieve aches and pains received from an injury, held tension or wear and tear with Acupuncture. I am able to support the physical flow of the body whilst also helping relieve any held emotions trapped in the muscular skeletal system.
By treating you holistically we hope to relieve aches and pains at the root cause.
What to Expect in an Acupuncture Appointment?
On your initial appointment, I will take a full history of your physical or emotional health complaint and find out more about you and the systems of your body such as your sleep, digestion and your monthly cycle. This appointment is 90 minutes allowing plenty of time for your consultation and treatment.
After your consultation, you will be invited to get comfortable lying down on the coach whilst I’ll listen to your pulses to discern the quality, balance and strength of your energy whilst noting their flow and any blockages. I will take readings of your pulse throughout and at the end of your appointment.
How Acupuncture Works
In each appointment, I will use super fine needles at particular points on the body, which are related to your element that is in need of rebalancing, to either clear or tonify your energy to be in flow.
I often describe energy as water that’s either blocked like a damn in the river or deficient like a trickle from a hose pipe. Flowing water is what’s always needed to create flourishing life.
Each point can be thought of as a gate that is opened to allow energy to flow. When are energy is flowing fully it creates a connection to mind body and spirit. From this place of embodiment we are at ease and joyful content.
*Read more on my FAQ’s regarding Acupuncture at the bottom of the page.
Modalities Used In Your Appointment
Is used in almost all appointments, it has an immediate and effective shift in your energetics by clearing any blocks and supporting underlying deficiencies. A mix of differing modalities can be used such as fine needles and moxibustion, cupping, guasha or manual bodywork therapy. Which are clearly explained before proceeding.
Within an appointment it’s common to tackle issues as they arise. I actively listen to you, so you can be heard in a safe non-judgemental space.
I use intuitive coaching techniques and invite an open dialogue, with specific questioning for you to gain clarity into why or how things have come to be, this provides a deeper sense of what your core values are, your behavioural traits, limiting beliefs and your elemental vices and virtues are too.
Our face reflects our true spirit. It displays our personal history, our tendency towards behavioural patterns and our personality traits. They express past traumas, emotional blockages and health conditions as well as your unique talents and abilities, your underlying strengths and a deeper insight into your true nature.
By witnessing you and your lived experiences from your features and markings of your face, old wounds and traumas that have been immovable from our conditioned past begin the process of healing.
Breathing is essential and free energy for mind and body. Observations of disordered, restricted of held breathing are shared to you during your appointment. I will guide you with breathwork techniques to regulate and support the organ of receiving and releasing whilst encouraging you with your own practice to support your energetic flow.
At times I will also share channel led movements, that coincide with breathwork to help open blocked energy channels or depleted energetic organs, enhancing the free flow of your energetic body.
These along with any breathwork practice are yours to use outside of your appointment that enrich the quality of your being, whilst also putting you in touch with your intuitive bodily wisdom.
It’s common for me to leave you with some gentle enquiry or practice to bring into your everyday at home, reinforcing our appointment and deepening your connection to your energetic body-mind.