Attainment : What do you really Desire?
What do we Most Desire?
How is your life? Are you living joyfully? Do you feel at peace? Is their a harmonious sense of balance in all that you do? Maybe you are full of confidence in your abilities to live a purposeful life, full of meaning.
If so, you are living the dream. Great! However if not, it’s understandable why that might be. More than six years ago a study was undertaken exploring critical life and career. Questions were asked to ascertain what people desperately desired. The results of the study were intriguing, it revealed that human beings most desperately longed for feelings that encouraged a positive mental-emotional state. The top eight are happiness, joy, freedom, balance, fulfilment, peace, confidence and of course money.
States of Being v’s Money
It’s interesting that seven of the eight items, were states of being. The only desired material was money. My belief is that money is desired because as a society we think financial wealth can buy more happiness, joy, freedom, peace, etc but really I wonder if it just keeps us suspended from attaining a more experiential positive mental-emotional state. From my experience the more we sit in our abundance in our positive state of being, we naturally attract the money we need to grow and flourish and live out our potential.
Coaching for Attaining More Of What you Desire
So the question is, would you like to live the dream? The other question I have, do you know what your dream is? For many, we feel comfortable feeling okay, day to day, life might not be amazing but by no means does it feel like a disaster. Perhaps much has been ticked off from our life’s list, such as a good career, relationship, home, finances, marriage, family and friends.
But the longing for something more still sits at the pit of your stomach. Questions such as, how do I live more joyfully? How can I feel more content with who I am and what I have? How do I find the confidence to aspire and live my dreams? Where could I get more meaning from in my career and in life in general?
We exist, but how much do we really live?
Coaching is wonderful adjunct to help with removing pain and discomfort in any area of life, however it is a tremendous tool for attaining more of what you desire. Expanding your world to allow you to grow, flourish and live your authentic dream.
Distractions and Lockdown
We have constantly been overwhelmed and distracted with living in the rat race. We have jobs to earn money so we can pay the bills and buy our happiness, (retail therapy) freedom, ( holidays) peace, (retreats/meditation/yoga classes) balance, (cleaners/nannies) and confidence (buying the latest shoes/bag/car)
This time last February we had no idea how much our world would change. We have all experienced vast shifts in our our day to day. Some areas of life have felt challenging and difficult whilst other areas may have felt rewarding and meaningful.
Change Your Life - Live Your Dreams
For many, this extended period of time has also been an extended period of reflection. Lockdown has provided a moment of potential transformation and has allowed us the space to question, what it is we would most like to change, as we enter into a new world. This is a perfect time to explore our dreams and desires and attain a positive mental-emotional state of being.
The links below provide information on how coaching can help you attain your desired positive state of being. If you desire more, book now for a free consultation.