


Is beautiful and expansive, whilst also being incredibly arduous. For the natural world to grow, means to develop, increase and flourish. It’s a natural cycle in everyones life and is expressed deeply in the season of Spring.  Qi is being drawn up and out from the depths of winter, as we are asked to wake up and rise up, recheck our plans, goals and dreams, take action in relation to our authentic purpose and grow.

Stretchy Purpose

To grow, we must at first know what our seeds of intention are, our stretchy purpose, as discovered in February’s theme. These give us origin or a root to grow from, providing a sense of direction and purpose. Otherwise we are chaotic, unrooted and do not move anywhere fast, causing us great stagnation and ultimately frustration.


Boundaries also help us to distinguish our path. They keep us on track, respecting the process and keep us forward focused. If our pathway is overgrown with weeds and plant life we are unable to see clearly where we are going. This may feel despairing and hopeless as the light at the end of path is poorly lit or extinguished all together.


Growth is also having the courage to assert ourselves to bring life to our dreams and intentions. Every hurdle, takes strength to overcome. As we prevail we might notice an internal empowerment, that provides the motivation to continue growing towards our purpose.

Growth in Nature

In Spring we notice the strength of the sun and it’s warming, longer light. During the next few months we are surrounded by growth from bud to bloom, we too can capitalise on our own growth by using the ascending Yang Qi that provides the vibrant energies to push forward.

Growth is a continual unraveling and unfolding of our Hearts purpose, where like Spring blossom we flourish and unfold into our innate beauty.


The Great Unfolding


Seeds of Life