Face Reading… What I’ve Learnt So Far.
Critical Transitions
Life is not without transitions, they arrive in various ways, either well thought through or completely unannounced, some seemingly smooth, others terrifyingly challenging. Their common theme, if we don’t resist, is their ability to make us grow into more of who we are, to release limiting beliefs and behaviours and connect us back into our hearts authentic expression. Critical transitions are noted in a Face Reading, these are likely to occur in and around a decade birthday.
Are You in a Transition?
These phases of life show up in many guiseses, such as starting or leaving education - change of career - losing a job - retirement - moving home - divorce - getting married - growing a family - menopause - ill health or disability - grief and bereavement.
My Own Face Reading Transition
I’m in a transition of sorts myself as I deepen my understanding of human energetics and learn a new way of healing. My studys with the late Lillian Pearl Bridges is mind blowing, full of wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment. This healing art is part of her Chen family lineage and I feel very privileged to be absorbing these ancient insights from Lillian, who has widened my perspective on power of healing with the ever changing face.
Faces Change with Healing
There are three modules Jing, Qi and Shen in my year long programme. In the short time I have been studying I have learnt that our faces are in fact a window to our soul, a hologram of sorts that can change with healing old wounds and trauma, letting go of old beliefs and by validating and revealing the story of who you are, can allow for deeper self acceptance, peace and healing.
Reveal Your True Self
Lillian was a world leading authority in her lifetime and has taught for over 35 years. Her teachings show us what features, markings, colours, symmetry, shapes and lines to look for and understand on the face within the framework of Chinese Medicine and Five Elements. These reveal the deeper truth of who you are showing your strengths and challenges, the quality of your emotional and physical health, your talents and abilities to draw from for your purpose in this incarnation, it also gives you a complete profile giving you a stronger sense of who you are.
Are you in a Critical Transition?
Critical transitions fall around a decade birthday, give a year or two either side. Lillian talked of transitioning into your new decade with good-bad luck, this sentiment is a nice way to view the changes we go through, they are necessary to go through if we haven’t or need to learn our from our earlier years.
Each decade itself resonates with a facial feature and will imprint or mark if you are to be or have been challenged. The features are your ears during childhood, forehead in your 20s, the eyes in your 30’s, nose in your 40’s, the mouth in your 50’s, the chin in the 60’s and the jaw in your 70’s.
Below Lillian gave a name to each of these critical transitions. Maybe you recognise yourself in a past transition or perhaps you are currently in one now.
Childhood to Teenager - Independent thinking
Teen to Adult - cutting apron strings
Late 20s to Early 30s - Deciding and Directing
Late 30s to Early 40s - Big Climb
Late 40s to Early 50s - Big Jump
Late 50s to Early 60s - Feather your nest
Late 60s to Early 70s - Walking the ridge
Transformative Face Readings
Face reading can be incredibly powerful, particularly so if you are in a transition, feeling unfulfilled, lost or blocked on your life path and especially so if you have reached a new decade. Click the link below to make an enquiry for a Face Reading with me.