Metal Element - The Season of Autumn - Letting Go and Taking in.


Transforming Endings and Loss into Acceptance and Value

As our year begins its decline we are met in nature with an eye line of brilliant reds, rusty oranges, and smokey yellows. The sky in direct contrast is either sharp in blue or brooding with laden clouds. We notice cooler temperatures and dryness to the air, which circulate in the winds, rustling the leaves from their trees, to their descent. Soil is now littered with decaying fruits and leaves, the rains and our footprints mulch what was once so serving for decomposition. Organic matter breaks down and trace minerals are extracted, laying precious and rich fuels for the year ahead. A quiet stillness settles over us, as our energy turns inwards. Energy, like the leaves that fall, is noticeable downward, we feel within our bodies a heaviness and fatigue. This is a time of year when we reflect on all we have achieved, accept where we are in life and let go of where we are not, whilst knowing deep down what is truly valuable to us.

Letting Go and Taking In

In autumn nature provides a somber realization that everything has it's time and everything ends. The unavoidable sense of loss is experienced in this season as a loss of light, warmth, smells and sounds. As we mourn for what was, we are confronted by incredible beauty, each tree displaying their wonders in crimsons, bronze and coppers. The Metal elements flux is being able to let go of endings and what no longer serves them, whilst acknowledging the exceptional value in what they currently have or had. Letting go and accepting, allows room for something new, it’s important to observe our wondrous beauty within, so we can recognise the precious and the worthy that come into our lives. Without letting go, we are unable to take in the new.

Value, Immunity and Inspiration

The organs related to the Metal Element at this time of year are the Large Intestines and the Lungs. The function of the Large Intestines is elimination whilst extracting value from waste, it has a profound ability to let go of what is no longer needed and withdraw precious nutrients from what remains. In nature we observe the unique value of thousands of years of decay in the Metal Element as precious fossil fuels, gold, metals and diamonds. Rare substances that are mined for their monetary value which provide us with deep meaning or the energy we need to live our lives.

As we let go with the Large Intestine, we take in with the Lungs, this is the only organ that has direct contact to the outside world via the nose. With each inhale, the outside is within us, in seconds. The Lungs are our front line, they are our energetic defense, if this delicate organ is weakened we are susceptible to illness. If strong, our immunity is too. Oxygen is Qi and with every deep fulfilling inhale, we take in life. Our minds and bodies feel alive, creating a deeper connections to our internal selves, our place in the world and the cosmos. It's no coincidence that the word "inspire" literally means to "take in breath". and also meaning to “feel encouraged or stimulated creatively”. Both versions mean the same thing, to feel alive.

Loss, Disappointment and Regrets

In this season, we are asked to surrender and accept life as it is. Loss of a dream, a loved one or a way of life can manifest into disappointment and regret. Either way, they clog our minds and bodies with decay and grief and obstruct us from moving on and opening into something new.

Trees shed their leaves, gently and slowly and over many, many weeks. This loss is never immediate and quick, it takes time, everyday bit by bit but still they let go, until one day they are bare and empty, resting for some new delight.

Expecting the leaves to stay or spring to serve up the blossoming buds immediately, is unrealistic. Expectations can be met with disappointment, we can feel regretful of not taking in their beauty whilst they were there. This sense of loss is felt when wishing for something else, we feel a sorrowful sadness, never feeling enough or worthy of what we already have.

Gratitude, Knowing and Feeling Fulfilled

Gratitude keeps us present and accepting. Being grateful is a mindful task, it asks us to stop, create space and pay attention as we honour what is special, unique and meaningful to us. Each moment of thanks provides a warm glow in our hearts, filling us up and slowing us down. Taking ourselves from the empty void of loss into a glowing light of fulfilling energy.

The losses we feel and find difficult to release, keep us in an the abyss, a hole so dark and deep it seems impossible to fill. In this space we feel lack. A sense of inadequacy, something is missing. Maybe we feel we are not good enough or worthy as the vacuum empties our esteem. The presence of gratitude holds a deep knowing within us, for what is special and meaningful. Recognising this for ourselves fulfills our being.

How does Autumn affect our Metal Element?

Depending on your energetic constitution, this season might resonate more strongly than others. Autumn might be a challenging time of year for your mind, body and spirit. Below I share some common health complaints that generally arise with an imbalance of Lung and Large Intestines Qi.

Five Element acupuncture can help with a variety of symptoms. As professional health services we are currently able to practice during November’s lockdown, for patients with High Need and Urgent Care.

How does the Metal Element Affect Our Physical Health

Healthy: Bright skin, regular bowel movement, robust immune system, feeling alive and energised,

Unhealthy: Dry dull skin or skin conditions from eczema, psoriasis, chronic dermatological complaints, allergies, nasal congestion, sinusitis, headaches, regular colds/flus and viruses, IBS, Colitis and fatigue,

How does the Metal Element Affect Our Mental-Emotional Health

Healthy: Bright and alive, feeling inspired a sense of worth, relient, inner strength, clarity of thought, deep peace knowing you are okay, worthy and valued. Can let go of what's no longer serving and invite new life into existence.

Unhealthy: Dull, stale, lack of spark, aloof and alone. Sometimes polluted with cynicism, foul language and critical of others and self. Or rigid precise perfectionism, needing respect and approval from others to feel of any worth, overly achieving to gain recognition from others. Lack of expressing emotions, indifferent and inert, unable to break through their protective armour to truly connect with others. Unable to let go of loss, regret and disappointment, feels a deep void or somethings missing. Greif is either cut off and undigested or held onto with deep sorrow and sadness.


Top Tips for Staying Well in Autumn


The Immune System - Protecting Ourselves from Cold and Flu from the Perspective of Chinese Medicine