Acupuncture For Peri/Menopause
Menopause has a bad rap here in the West. I think Chinese Medicine had it right with their thoughts on Women’s Health and how the uterus was just important as the heart or the brain and understood how every organ relates energetically to it.
The menopause is highly revered in Chinese Medicine it’s known as “The Second Spring”. Many might balk at those words, they’ve seen mothers, aunts, friends or themselves indeed go through tumults hot
Immune System Support
The clocks have gone back and we find ourselves entering ever deeper into the cold and darkness of Autumn. However we are still probably living our lives as if it’s mid summer with long days and lots of activity. As the climate changes we are vulnerable to current seasonal illness’s, below are a few ideas in how to support your immune system to keep you well and to embrace the colder months ahead.
Face Reading and the Five Elements
Each element adopts each facial feature. Here are just some examples of where on the face the strength of these elements are seen, eyebrows (wood element), chin (water element), nose (metal element), eyes (fire element) and mouth (earth element).
Feeling Stressed?
Generally, we are all too aware of the nature and the side effects of stress from either our own experience or someone close to us.
For some however, the sensation of stress becomes a daily norm and if left untreated for long enough can cause lasting ill health to mind and body.
Metal Element - The Season of Autumn - Letting Go and Taking in.
As our year begins its decline we are met in nature with an eye line of brilliant reds, rusty oranges, and smokey yellows. The sky in direct contrast is either sharp in blue or brooding with laden clouds. We notice cooler…
The Immune System - Protecting Ourselves from Cold and Flu from the Perspective of Chinese Medicine
We moved from a balmy late summer a few weeks ago into a temperature dropping chilly autumn. This is a time when we are at risk, susceptible to lingering pathogens, that prey on the weak, depleted and energetically imbalanced. In chinese medicine one major cause of disease is
Earth Element - The Season of Late Summer - How Does it Affect You and Tips For Support
It's easy to feel nourished in the season of Late Summer, the golden September light infused with the warmth of summer sun,
Transformational Change - Our Discomfort with Life Changing Events
During an in depth consultation a patient often speaks of their discomfort in great detail and the measures that have been taken to remove it. When asked, what else was happening around the time their condition started, it always astounds me to hear it's arrival coincided with a significant life event…
What is Five Element Acupuncture?
Five element theory was developed in the late 1960s from the naturopath and physiotherapist J.R. Worsley. Over many years he traveled East with his contemporaries and discovered the teachings of Chinese Medicine and the five element tradition
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Does acupuncture hurt? Is acupuncture painful? When does acupuncture hurt and why? These are queries I’ve heard over the years and rightfully so, it’s really good to know what’s involved in an acupuncture appointment and how it might