Regain Clarity and Direction With Acupuncture
As a five element acupuncturist I work on many levels with my clients. The body is often the reason for a clients arrival, an ache, a pain, something chronic that’s eluded their GP. I take into account their emotional tone too, are they overly frustarted, scared or sad, they might share their feelings of anxiousness or low moods on their first appointment too. But what many don’t realise is I also observe their spirit, is it glowing with presence and peace or has it dulled
Acupuncture For Peri/Menopause
Menopause has a bad rap here in the West. I think Chinese Medicine had it right with their thoughts on Women’s Health and how the uterus was just important as the heart or the brain and understood how every organ relates energetically to it.
The menopause is highly revered in Chinese Medicine it’s known as “The Second Spring”. Many might balk at those words, they’ve seen mothers, aunts, friends or themselves indeed go through tumults hot
The Immune System - Protecting Ourselves from Cold and Flu from the Perspective of Chinese Medicine
We moved from a balmy late summer a few weeks ago into a temperature dropping chilly autumn. This is a time when we are at risk, susceptible to lingering pathogens, that prey on the weak, depleted and energetically imbalanced. In chinese medicine one major cause of disease is
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Does acupuncture hurt? Is acupuncture painful? When does acupuncture hurt and why? These are queries I’ve heard over the years and rightfully so, it’s really good to know what’s involved in an acupuncture appointment and how it might
Anxiety and Depression: What’s the Difference?
Many patients who arrive at my clinic are in search for treatment for anxiety and depression. Anxiety like symptoms can range from insomnia, nausea, agitation, palpitation, dry mouth, overthinking, shortness of breath, poor memory, concentration, perspiration,